Comic Coin ($CMC)
Comic Coin is the official loyalty program token of Cryptoverse Comics.
Last updated
Comic Coin is the official loyalty program token of Cryptoverse Comics.
Last updated
CIRCULATING SUPPLY: 5,771,637 (no supply cap)
There's been 3,391,000 $CMC distributed to holders of The Cryptoverse who migrated their NFTs to our new policyID. Each NFT transfered rewarded the holder with 3,000 $CMC.
There's been 2 $CMC minted to update the metadata of the token after we made the change from the old $DSCN paper bill format to the new $CMC round token.
647,535 were minted for our staking partnership with WeirdOZ
300,000 were minted and claimed for our Cardano Lands staking partnership
500,000 were minted for the Sundaeswap LP
933,100 were minted and sent to DripDropz for staking rewards
SOON - each of our 8001 NFTs left to mint will come with 1000 $CMC adding 8,001,000 $CMC to the supply in a well distributed manner.
PolicyID: a56b1bfd69d317076c5c864d647851e2961594b21ec056f3c8491485